What would you do…if you wanted a drink at a bar but the bartender refused to serve you—and you have alcoholic biochemistry (TAR Lite # 34)
Would you…
1. Walk home and drink there?
2. Realize you had enough to drink, sit down and ask for a coke?
3. Realize you have a “drinking problem” and head to an AA meeting?
4. Get angry and throw chairs, bar stools and glasses at customers and, when officers arrive, threaten to kidnap and behead an American?
Congratulations if you selected # 4, which is exactly what Failal Albagdadi, 54, and Ahmed Hindi, 30, did when the bartender refused to serve them. Just a month earlier, Albagdadi was arrested on charges of DUI. Why is this prior arrest not surprising?
The addiction-aware know that whenever we shake our heads and ask, “What was he thinking?” and we connect the behaviors to heavy drinking, we diagnose alcoholism. These even includes those engaging in or threatening to engage in religious zealotry.
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