What would you do…if you want to take the wedding ring off your finger, it won’t come off easily—and you have alcoholic biochemistry? (TAR Lite # 25)
Would you…
1. Lather up with plenty of soap and try again?
2. Try some butter or oil on the digit?
3. Realize the ring may not come off because you’re retaining excess water, wait until morning and try again?
4. Take your gun and attempt to shoot the ring off?
Congratulations if you selected # 4, which is exactly what Alfredo Fortunato Malespini III, 31, attempted, in an insane desire to get his wedding ring off. While his “shot” didn’t remove the ring, he suffered severe hand wounds and his finger was nearly severed. Malespini, a lieutenant at the Federal Correctional Institution-McKean, near Bradford, PA, is facing weapons charges for firing his gun within city limits (a summary offense), reckless endangerment of others and disorderly conduct. Oh, and arresting officers described Malespini as “highly intoxicated” after “drinking heavily” all day.
The addiction-aware know that whenever we shake our heads and ask, “What was he thinking?” and we connect the behaviors to heavy drinking, we diagnose alcoholism. Malespini’s job as a prison guard is perfect for inflating his addiction-addled ego—and with so many law enforcers making the rest of us suffer from their disease, it’s no surprise the criminal justice system fails us.
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