What would you do…if you are waiting behind someone you think is taking too long to pick up their food at a drive-thru — and you have alcoholic biochemistry? (TAR Lite # 24)
Would you…
1. Patiently wait your turn, figuring some orders take longer than others?
2. Pull out of the line, park your car and walk into the restaurant to pick up your food?
3. Get out of your car, walk over to the drive-thru window and ask if there’s anything you can do to help move things along?
4. Drive around and park your car in front of the car at the window, get out, walk over to the other car, point your handgun in the driver’s face and yell, “You don’t know who you’re f***ing with!”?
Congratulations if you selected # 4, because that’s what DeKalb County Police Detective Sergeant Scott Biumi, 48, did to the teenage driver he thought was taking too long to get his order at a McDonald’s near Atlanta, GA. Fortunately, Biumi put away his gun and drove off before shooting the teen (and letting him know exactly who the heck he was).
The addiction-aware know that many law enforcers have alcoholic biochemistry and that alcohol or other-drug addiction is, by far, the best explanation for Biumi’s misbehaviors. Not only did Biumi (allegedly) commit a felony, which very few if any non-addicts ever do, but also he engaged in a classic method of intimidation at which addicts excel: yelling, in a threatening tone, “You don’t know who you are f***ing with!” (or, “Do you know who the f*** I am?”).
In Biumi’s case, how many similar incidents have been swept under the rug by enablers? How many victims has Biumi falsely arrested? How many perps has he let go with a pay-off (monetary or otherwise)? How many other victims of his assaults have there been? For a 48 year-old cop who likely triggered alcoholism in his early teens, the number is probably more than zero for at least one of these categories of abuse.
Forsyth County Sheriff Duane K. Piper called the incident “shocking.” “You wouldn’t expect any adult of any type to be acting like this,” Piper said, “but especially, with a law enforcement officer, I think they have an even higher standard of self-control, and to me, that’s the most shocking part.” You would think so, Mr. Piper, but alcoholics suffer from a damaged neo-cortex, the brain’s seat of reason and logic, which in healthy people constrains base impulses. Alcoholics lack such restraint and are, therefore, capable of anything.
Click here for the source of the story!