What would you do…if you’re driving to court for a preliminary hearing on possession of methamphetamine? (TAR Lite #1)
Would you:
1. Drive at or below the posted speed, 65 mph, scrupulously obeying every traffic law en route?
2. Drive with the flow of traffic, often at 72 mph, being careful to obey the spirit of traffic laws while en route?
3. Drive at 102 mph and cited by a sheriff’s deputy for speeding; a few minutes later clocked by another officer at 98 mph and again cited; no more than an hour later, pulled over yet again by a third trooper for doing 92 mph?
Congratulations if you figured out option 3 is correct!
Jose Romero-Valenzuela, 34, claimed “the car was going within the 65 mph speed limit.” After driving on Oregon roads at such dangerously high rates of speed, rather than being escorted to jail in handcuffs and tested for, well, speed, Valenzuela was instead let go by three different law enforcement officers. This could have easily ended in tragedy for some innocent person or persons.
Click here for the source of the story!