What would you do…if you are coming down from a high on meth and you are ready to crash but you aren’t close to home? (TAR Lite #11)
Would you:
1. Somehow find your way home to sleep off the drugs?
2. Find a close buddy’s house to crash in?
3. Find a homeless shelter or park bench to provide a bed for the night?
4. Steal a car, drive to another town and rip off wallets, stereos and cell phones from several other cars and, because you’ve been awake for so long and haven’t re-dosed (taken more meth), while in the process of removing another stereo you fall asleep, burglary tools in gloved hands?
Congratulations if you selected #4, which is what Jason D. Hill, 33, reportedly did in Post Falls, Idaho. The vehicle’s owner found Hill around 4:30 a.m., sleeping in the driver’s seat of his car. Fortunately for the vehicle’s owner’s safety, Hill remained asleep until police arrived. An arrest for auto burglary, possession of stolen property, possession of drugs and a prior felony warrant for attempting to elude police followed.
This is, of course, not the first time Hill has violated the rights of others—he has a criminal history dating back to when he was just 12 years old. While it’s unclear how much time Hill has served on charges ranging from battery to grand theft, it’s apparent he hasn’t spent enough (if any) time in rehab: police not only found unspecified drugs, but also what appeared to be traces of meth in his gloves. If he ever gets and stays clean and sober, we may find Mr. Hill to be a productive individual, as are most recovering addicts. However, until he is coerced into sobriety with random and regular drug testing as a condition of any parole, Jason D. Hill will likely continue to be a menace to society.
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